by Autec
The Health and Safety Executive requires that all employees who use, mount and manage the use of abrasive wheels are fully informed and properly trained. It also emphasises the importance of safe working practices in order to avoid the risk of wheel breakage and possible injury.
Abrasive Wheels are used in many areas and can be highly dangerous if used by untrained personnel. The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 requires that anyone involved in selecting, mounting, specifying or using abrasive wheels is trained, certified and deemed to be competent by their employer.
The aim of our course is to provide each delegate with the knowledge needed to safely identify, inspect, store, transport, and mount abrasive wheels, types 1, 27, 41 and 42, in compliance with current legislation. The course also covers the methods of safe use of abrasive wheels on hand bench grinders, portable cutting and grinding machines and the P.P.E. that should be used.
Autec Abrasive Wheels Course Covers
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